How often will my portfolio be adapted and who decides this?2017-12-20T09:23:26+01:00

Our Investment Committees are composed of expert portfolio managers who meet once a week to check the strategy and minimize the risks. This does not mean that your portfolio will change every week, but we will assess and compare the weekly risks and expectations of return and take action if required.

How can I determine the success of my investment strategy, what is the benchmark?2017-12-20T09:22:49+01:00

By contract, a benchmark will be agreed for the respective account related to the selected risk class. For example, this may consist of a mixture of RexP (measuring the performance of German government bonds) and EuroStoxx50E, or the MSCI World at 100 %. We will be happy to advise you on the several options.

Which risk classes are there?2017-12-20T09:22:12+01:00

We offer our Customers to select their suitable class from six risk classes with distinct Value at Risk (VaR). VaR is a widely accepted accounting method which measures with a probability of 99 % the maximum loss within a holding period of 10 trade days.
For example, for risk group A, the value preservation prevails over the expectations of return. Risks due to temporary price fluctuations are accepted at a minimum risk of loss. Here, the VaR is below 2.5%. However, for the highest F risk group, the expectations of higher return are also linked to the higher asset value oscillations, eventually with unforeseeable loss risks including complete loss.

Where is my money deposited?2017-12-20T09:21:36+01:00

Independent asset managers may not accept money from Customers, your money remains in the custody account or the Customer’s account at the respective custody bank or bank where the account is held. The independent asset manager manages the account or custody account upon a power of attorney. He may not transfer any money from the Customer to another account or custody account.

What does independent asset management mean?2017-12-20T09:20:50+01:00

The classical asset management includes financial consulting as well as asset management for the Customer on the basis of internal bank regulations or the investment profile of the bank. Independent asset managers such as the ICM InvestmentBank AG perform the same tasks, but independently from the banks, enabling a personal consulting and broader product assortment offerings.

How high are the fees?2017-12-20T09:19:46+01:00

The ICM InvestmentBank AG offers the Customers eight different condition schedules. The model that best suits you depends on how your portfolio is structured, which is established in the asset management agreement.

How high is the risk?2017-12-20T09:18:55+01:00

Next to the possibility of generating high yield, there is also a very high risk hazard. Know that you may even suffer a complete loss with this kind of investment form. It is thus important to use the equity only for speculation objectives in which eventual loss is possible. You should not use more than 15% of the freely available assets. Our agreement lists these issues in detail.

What does margin call mean exactly?2017-12-20T09:18:21+01:00

In certain circumstances, the available margin may not be sufficient to cover possible losses. In such a case we speak of a „Margin call“ whereby the deposit of further cash or securities is required to maintain the speculation strategy. If this is not done within a specific term (for ex. 24 hours), the risk position must be closed. This mechanism must protect against negative account balances. Even then, in exceptional cases, fast market situations may occur, resulting in negative account balances. This requires a permanent margin call. However, as a Customer, you can make the corresponding strategy stipulations in order to substantially or wholly avoid this risk.

How safe is my money?2017-12-20T09:17:37+01:00

Your money is deposited to an account in your name at a deposit-taking bank. These institutions are subject to the legal provisions of the deposit insurance. The bank acts as a trustee for all cash means and positions held.

What distinguishes the ICM InvestmentBank AG from my bank or asset manager?2017-12-20T09:17:04+01:00

Opposite to the most asset managers, the ICM InvestmentBank AG manageq assets redundantly by focusing on more than one person. The tactical allocation model changes the strategy weighting of the different asset classes according to the situation of the investment universe. Shares, funds, ETFs, derivatives or cash positions are traceably weighted. This world-wide approach has been successful for many years and was awarded as „outstanding“ by the editorial staff of „Fonds professional“ for 5 consecutive years .

Where can I get information?2017-12-20T09:16:14+01:00

Independently from the assessment and service meetings of te ICM InvestmentBank AG, you can always contact your custody institution on the correctness of the account development. You will also receive a monthly statement of your custody account.

Which term should I calculate for the investment?2017-12-20T09:15:41+01:00

This depends on your strategy stipulations. Products of the ICM InvestmentBank are implemented in short-term to a maximum of mid-term market situations, for which 3-12 months are calculated. However, we are interested in a long-standing business relationship, which leverages all the facets of asset management for you. Talk to a friendly and expert colleague for the right selection of our products. But it is important that you contractually define that you have access to your assets at any time without a provisional initial term.


Wir kombinieren Ihre Vorgaben zu Ihrem Anlagevolumen, Risikobudget und benötigtem Cashflow mit unserer Expertise zu Ländern, Branchen, Unternehmen und den verschiedenen Anleihe-Formen und entwickeln so Ihr individuelles Anleihen-Depot, das Erträge auch in unterschiedlichsten Marktlagen generieren kann. Und noch ein Vorteil unserer Anleihendepots: Über unsere Vermögensverwaltung diversifizieren wir in eine Reihe von Anleihen, weil wir uns - anders als andere - gerade nicht an Mindeststückelungen orientieren müssen. Damit vermeiden wir Klumpenrisiken.


We combineren uw instructies betreffende het beleggingsvolume, het risicobudget en de benodigde cashflow met onze expertise over de deelstaten, de bedrijfstaken, de ondernemingen en de diverse leningsvormen en ontwikkelen uw individueel obligatiedepot dusdanig dat deze in de meest uiteenlopende marktsituaties winst kan opleveren. En nog een voordeel over ons obligatiedepot: via ons vermogensbeheer diversifiëren wij in een reeks obligaties, omdat we ons – in tegenstelling tot anderen – net niet moeten richten naar minimale opdelingen. Zo worden concentratierisico’s vermeden.


Unser international ausgerichtetes Aktienuniversum wird von einem eigenen Investmentteam ständig aktualisiert. Die Auswahl von 15 Titeln, die wir in die Kundenportfolios dann übernehmen, beruht auf der Übersetzung, dass diese besser als andere in der jeweiligen Peergroup abschneiden werden. Gleiches gilt für den ergänzenden Einsatz von Aktienoptionen. Eine Anpassung an veränderte Marktbedingungen kann so zeitnah erfolgen. Fokussierung geht hier im Sinne von Risikomanagement vor Individualität.


Ons internationaal gericht aandelenuniversum wordt door een eigen beleggingsteam doorlopend geactualiseerd. De keuze van 15 titels die we in de klantenportefeuille dan overnemen, berust op de omzetting dat deze beter dan andere in de betreffende peergroep zullen presteren. Hetzelfde geldt voor het aanvullende gebruik van aandelenopties. Een aanpassing aan gewijzigde marktomstandigheden kan zo tijdig gebeuren. Focussering gaat hier in de zin van risicobeheer voor individualiteit.
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