For a good reason. Convince yourself of the facts.
We will be happy to be your competent contact partner for all your questions about asset investment.

Active versus passive

Active asset management is not static. Outside of the standard index there may be risks, which are contained in the Index.

Unconstrained versus contrained selection

This is the concept in English: unconstrained. Different from the Index, multiple index members are available for selection to the Customers in active portfolio management. These positions are not held by every portfolio investor. These positions lead to diversification outside of the mainstream portfolios.

Fixed weighting versus variable weighting

Passive investments provide weightings. We are more flexible.

Result: outperformance

According to public access data, we have demonstrably outperformed our competition in the past. This is shown by our public funds, such as Leonardo UI (flexible mixture fund) and AvH (Emerging Markets mixture fund).

Controlled risk

We fall back on the analysis of BCA Research, Montreal, our independent partner company. If only once we do not hear the grass grow on time, we can rely on our 70 years of experience in the equities market to recognize the reliable and timely indicators our expertise is based on.

Portfolio layout

We have 216 investment strategies available. None of these strategies is characterized by 08/15. This is already demonstrated by the fact that we are the only providers of funds to Customers in Germany, which they otherwise would be excluded from.


Find out in several steps which investment strategy suits best your needs.
For each investment portfolio you have insight into the historical performance values which you can analyze.