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The purchase of securities, a futures contract or any other financial instrument bears certain financial risks. Any price targets shown for companies discussed in this report may not be achieved due to multiple risk factors, including, without limitation, market volatility, sector volatility, corporate actions, the state of the economy, the failure to achieve earnings and/or revenue projections, the unavailability of complete and accurate information and/or a subsequent occurrence that affects the underlying assumptions made by the ICM InvestmentBank AG, or by other sources on which the ICM InvestmentBank AG relied upon in this document. The ICM InvestmentBank AG may also have published other research about the company during the period covered that did not contain a price target but that discussed valuation matters. The price targets shown should be considered in the context of all prior published research as well as developments relating to the company, its industry and financial markets. By accepting this document, you agree to be bound by the aforementioned limitations.
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The terms of use of the ICM websites is subject to the law of the the Federal Republic of Germany excluding the applicability of the international private law. Legal venue is Berlin.